Yes, it’s gardening time again!
Our school gardening project is set in a multilingual environment and this provides an exciting and wonderful opportunity to engage students outdoors in hands-on activities. The BKS (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) classes have teamed up with the English Club pupils of 1A and 2A to enjoy many gardening lessons together. It was fascinating to compare the similarities and differences in our languages. Having “gardening time” atleast once a week, to plant and water or just observe, has benefitted our pupils in social, physical, and academic ways.
U projektu sudjeluju učenici 2.B , BKS grupe i učenici popodnevne nastave engleskog jezika .
Exploring the similarities in our different languages!
A fresh start to a new beginning….
Radujemo se našem vrtu!
Wir freuen uns über unseren Garten!
Getting dirty is lots of fun! Here we are preparing our containers for planting.
Ovako je počeo rad u školskom vrtu!
So hat die Gartenarbeit in unserem Schulgarten begonnen.
Busy bees planting strawberries, calendula, coriander, mint, tomatoes, pumpkin and mint, just to name a few.
Zasadili smo I jagode.
Hier pflanzten wir Erdeeren, Ringelblumen, Koriander und viele andere Pflanzen.
No more weeds, it’s time for more seeds.
Toliko puno korova!
So viel Unkraut!
Harvesting freshly grown organic salads.
Eko Grbica je porasla I spremna za branje.
Die Bio-Kresse kann schon gepflückt werden!
A happy harvest of our organic spring onions!
Mladi luk!
Leckere Jungzwiebel!
At last, the time has come to prepare a feast of freshly grown greens. Enjoy your meal!
Priprema doručka s eko salatama I začinskim biljem. Dobar tek!
Frühstücksvorbereitungen mit Bio-Salat und Kräutern. Mahlzeit!
An exciting moment to see our very own strawberries. Our garden is growing beautifully and we’re looking forward to our harvest before we leave for the summer holidays. We’re happy to say that our pupils have done a great job, and we’re certainly excited about many more “gardening times” in the near future.